Class 10 Information Technology Practical File 2020-21

 Practical File Class 10th Code 402

In this article, you will get how to make a project file for Information Technology code 402 for the class 10 board examination. First of all, you could know the weightage and the type of questions that will come in the practical examination of IT code 402. So, At first, you should consider the syllabus and know the basic pattern of the examination so that you can prepare very easily for that.

Given below is the screenshot of the syllabus provided by CBSE for the examination of IT Code 402 for the session 2020-21

Here you can see that the whole syllabus is divided into 4 Parts which will contain 100 marks.

Part A and Part B

Part A and B is the theory part. It contains 50% of the Total Marks. The main thing is that in the board examination at the centre you have to give the examination of only Part A and B of the syllabus. So you have to focus very highly on this part as It will be tested in the examination hall.

Part A: Employability skills

Part A deals with Employability Skills which contains 10 Marks in the Examination. In this Part, there are 5 Units. If you prepare these units very well then you will easily get 10 out of 10 marks in this part. 

Part A: Subject Specific skills

Part B is the most important part of the IT CODE 402 syllabus. This contains most of the marks in the board examination. When we talk about the theory paper It contains 40 Marks in the examination. There are 4 Units in this part. All the units are very important you should read each and every topic very clearly to score better in this part.

Part C and Part D

Part C and D Consist of 50% of the total marks. Examination of this part will be taken internally. this part basically contains practical and project. Viva Voce test will also be taken from this part. Complete all the tasks given by your teacher so achieve the highest marks in this part.

Part C: Practical Work

1. Practical examination (15 Marks): There will be a practical examination in the computer lab. You should be given some questions from your teacher to perform on the computer. Basically, You have to solve questions on the computer. All the questions will be from Part B. There can be 2-3 practical questions in the exam.

2. Written Test (10 Marks): Some questions will be given to write in the answer sheet. These questions will be from the practical you have done in the lab. Questions can be of any type like MCQ or very short answer type questions. This depends on the teacher or the guideline issued by CBSE in this regard

3. Viva Voce (10 Marks): Viva means an Oral test will be also conducted for 10 marks from practical. These questions will be also from The practical you have in the lab

Part D: Project Work/Field visit

1. Practical file/Student Portfolio (10 Marks): You will be given a topic in which you have to make Project work or a Practical File. This will carry 10 Marks. Make sure to make a neat and clean file to get good marks in this section. This is very important to get good marks in Project or Practical file.

2. Viva Voce (5 Marks): Now the last part is that you will have to give an Oral test which will carry 5 marks. These questions will be from the project file which you have made for class 10 IT code 402.

So, here we have discussed the whole process of Practical examination of Class 10 IT Code 402. I hope all the doubts have cleared. If you need any support in IT Code 402 Project work, practical File or in any questions off Information Technology then comment below.

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